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How To Get Verified On TikTok

How To Get Verified On TikTok

2022-07-11 21:21:15

TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. In fact, it has over 700 million daily active users around the globe. The app allows its users to create short video clips called “TikToks” and share them with their friends.

It’s no secret that TikTok is a huge hit with teens and young adults. As such, it’s become a go-to place for brands looking to reach this audience. But how do you get verified on TikTok without being annoying or spammy? In this guide, we will show you some tips for getting verified on TikTok. 

What Does 'Verified' Mean on TikTok? 

The first thing you need to know about getting verified on TikTok is what does it mean? Verification means that your account has been approved by the company. Once your account has been verified, you will see a blue checkmark next to your name. 

A verification mark is a symbol that assures users that your account is the real deal. It also works to increase your visibility by pushing the reach of your content. With a blue tick on Tiktok, your account looks authentic and top-quality.

Can You Request Verification On TikTok? 

On a lot of social media platforms, you are able to request verification. Unfortunately, however, that isn't possible with TikTok. Instead, the team at TikTok seeks accounts that may need or deserve verification and they then grant it on their own initiative. 

Can You Buy Verification on TikTok? 

You cannot purchase verification on TikTok. Currently, there are some convincing scams stating that you can purchase verification on TikTok. Do not believe them! Verification is granted for free to accounts that have been selected by the team at TikTok. 

Verification Criteria On TikTok 

There are supposedly some loose criteria that the team at TikTok uses to determine which accounts get verification. Check them out below!

Consistent Daily Follower Growth 

Accounts that are consistently gaining anywhere between 500 and 2,000 followers a day are likely to get verified by the TikTok team. 

Growing Watch Time

Accounts that are growing in terms of their views and watch time will be considered for verification. 

Media Coverage

Some users may be featured in other forms of respected media, such as magazines. If this is the case, they will be considered for a blue tick. 

Consistent Viral Content 

Content creators who are putting out videos that consistently go viral will be considered for verification. 

Verification On Other Sites 

If your account is already verified on other social media sites, the team at TikTok is likely to consider your account for verification. 

Tips For Getting Verified On TikTok 

Now that you know what it takes to get verified on TikTok, let's take a look at some tips to help you along the way.

Be Active & Consistently Posting Videos 

One of the best ways to gain attention on TikTok is to post regularly. If you're wondering what is the best time to post on TikTok, check out the link. The more often you upload new content, the higher the chances of your video going viral. This is why consistency is key when trying to get verified on TikTok. If you don't post frequently enough, you won't get noticed. 

Create A Good Profile Picture 

Your profile picture plays a major role when it comes to getting verified on TikTok so make sure you create one that stands out. Think about what kind of image would work best for you. Is it something humorous, serious, or even a combination of both? Whatever you decide, stick with it. 

Have An Interesting Bio 

Your bio is another important part of your TikTok profile. Make sure it is interesting and tells people what makes you unique. Also, keep it short and sweet. Don't try to write a novel here. Keep it simple and direct. 

Share Your Best Work With Friends And Family

Once you've posted a few videos, there is no harm in asking your friends and family to share your posts with their own networks. This will increase the chances of your videos going viral and being seen by the TikTok team. 

Follow The Rules Of TikTok

TikTok is a very strict platform when it comes to posting content. There are rules that everyone must abide by. Some of these include:

  • No nudity or sexual images
  • No profanity
  • No copyrighted material
  • No spamming

Use Hashtags Correctly

Hashtags are used on TikTok to categorize your posts. When using hashtags correctly, you can maximize the exposure of your videos. But, remember not to use too many hashtags as this could cause your videos to be removed from the site. 

Make High-Quality Videos 

Pay attention to the details before posting a video. Is the background nice to look at? Is your lighting good? Can you hear the audio clearly? These aspects will affect your reach, and thus, will affect your chances of getting verified. 

Follow Trends 

Trends are super important on TikTok. Follow them closely to ensure that you are incorporating trends into your videos. For instance, if you notice a sound is trending, use it! This will help increase your reach and the chances of you getting verified. 

Get Verified On Other Social Media Sites

If you can get verified on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, make sure these accounts are connected to your TikTok account. This will significantly increase your chances of getting verified on TikTok. 

Be Patient

Getting verified on TikTok takes time. It's not easy but patience is key. Just like anything else, once you put in the effort, results will eventually show up. 

Don't Obsess Over Verification 

You don't have much control over the verification process on TikTok, so don't worry about it too much! Don't get too hung up on that little blue tick - just keep creating content that you love making and your platform will grow! 


Getting verified on TikTok is challenging, but it doesn't have to be impossible. By following the steps above, you should be able to get much closer to verification - but remember, TikTok is about having fun, so make sure you enjoy creating content first and foremost!

How To Add Multiple Photos To Instagram Story

How To Add Multiple Photos To Instagram Story

2022-07-11 21:19:10

Instagram Stories are a really great feature. Uploading photos and videos to your story is a great way to give your followers an insight into your daily lives and engage with them outside of your regular grid posts. 

You can also be very creative with your stories on Instagram. One way to engage your followers and show off your creativity is by uploading multiple photos to an Instagram story. To learn how to do this, check out our ultimate guide below. 

About Instagram Stories 

Instagram stories are a collection of photos or videos that last for 15 seconds before moving on to the next one. They disappear 24 hours after you have posted them. Rather than being displayed in the feed like regular posts, they are displayed at the top of the app. 

Instagram Stories have a wide range of tools that encourage engagement. You can ask your followers questions, layer music over images, set up polls, and more. They make your platform feel a little bit more personal. 

How To Post Multiple Photos To Your Instagram Story 

There are a few different ways that you can post multiple photos to your Instagram story. Check them out below. 

Posting Several Photos To The Same Story 

If you want all of your photos to appear on the same screen in one story, follow this step-by-step process. 

  1. Open Stories in the Instagram app. 
  2. Take a photo or add one from your camera album. 
  3. Tap the sticker tray. 
  4. Scroll until you find the photo sticker.
  5. Once you've tapped the photo sticker, you can choose another photo to add to the screen. 
  6. Repeat this process until you have all of the photos that you want on the screen.
  7. You can move your photos around and re-size them so that it looks just how you want it to. 
  8. Also, feel free to add text, music, or other stickers to the story. 
  9. Once you have finished, share the story! 

Posting Several Photos As Different Stories 

If you would rather have each photo have a slide to itself, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Open Stories on the Instagram app. 
  2. Tap the photo icon. 
  3. Choose the multiple photo icon (this should be above your photo gallery). 
  4. Tap the photos that you want to add in the order that you want to add them. You can add up to ten at one time. 
  5. Now, you can add filters, stickers, text, or music to each individual photo. 
  6. Press post! 

Posting Several Photos As A Collage 

If you love a collage, you need to try posting your stories using Instagram Layout. To learn how to take a look at the step-by-step guide below. 

  1. Open Stories on the Instagram app.
  2. Tap the Layout icon (which should be on the left-hand side of the screen). 
  3. Scroll through the different Layout options until you find one you like. 
  4. Tap the photo icon to choose the pictures that you want to include in the collage. 
  5. Once you've added all of the photos you want to, you can add text, music, stickers, or filters. 
  6. When you're done, press post! 

Why Instagram Stories Features Are Useful 

Instagram Stories are great, but they can be a bit complicated to use. As such, you might wonder... why even bother? Well, Instagram Stories can actually be a really great tool, especially if you're looking to get more followers. Check out the main benefits of Instagram Stories below. 

They Appear at the Top of News Feeds

Sometimes, the Instagram algorithm can be frustrating. Sometimes it feels as though your content is barely reaching anyone. Using stories is a great way to remind your followers that you are present and posting. 

They Give You the Opportunity to Engage With Your Followers

Stories tend to consist of impromptu images and videos. As such, they tend to be more relatable and they remind your followers of your personality. Using some features you can also ask your followers questions and engage with them on a more personal level.

Stories are Easy to Analyze 

You can see exactly who has viewed your stories. Whilst you can track reach and engagement for your posts on Instagram, it doesn't allow you to see exactly who is engaging with your posts. 

You Can Save Stories as Highlights

If you don't like stories because they disappear in 24 hours, you'll be pleased to hear that Instagram now allows you to save your stories as Highlights. These highlights appear on your page and can be added to at any time. They are a great way to save memories from a certain day or information about a certain topic. 

How To Add Multiple Photos To Your Instagram Post 

In addition to adding multiple photos to your Instagram stories, you can also add multiple photos to an Instagram post. Check out how to do so below!

Posting Multiple Full-Sized Photos 

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Click the plus icon at the top of the screen. 
  3. Choose 'post' from the drop-down menu. 
  4. On the left of the screen, there should be an icon for choosing multiple photos. It is next to the camera icon. 
  5. Once you have tapped the multiple photos icon, you can select up to ten photos to add. Select them in the order that you want them to be posted. 
  6. Now you can edit each photo if you desire. 
  7. Add a caption.
  8. Press share! 

Can I Add More Photos to an Instagram Post That I Have Already Posted? 

Unfortunately, this isn't possible. If you forgot to add a photo when making a post, your only option is to delete the post and remake it including all of the photos that you would like to include. If you want to keep a certain group of photos together, consider using the highlights feature. 


Adding multiple photos to your Instagram story is a great way to get your content out there. We hope that this article has convinced you to give all of Instagram's features a try!

How To Get Followers On TikTok

How To Get Followers On TikTok

2022-07-11 21:17:35

TikTok has become very popular recently. Simply put, the video-sharing app allows its users to create short videos and share them with their friends.

 There are several ways to gain followers on TikTok. Some of these methods include posting videos, creating memes, and using hashtags. There are also some other ways to get followers on TikTok. These include gaining likes and comments, following influencers, and subscribing to channels. Other faster ways include buying TikTok followers!

In this article, we will discuss the best ways to get more followers on TikTok. Check it out to grow your social media platform today! 

What Is TikTok? 

TikTok is a mobile application that was developed by ByteDance Inc., a Chinese company headquartered in Beijing. The app was launched in 2016 and became wildly popular within months. It has over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide.

The app is available for both Android and iOS devices. You can download it from Google Play or the App Store

Why Should I Use TikTok?

TikTok offers many benefits to its users. One of the main reasons why people love the app is because they can easily make videos and share them with their family and friends. They can also add text captions to their videos.

Another reason why people like TikTok is that it allows you to earn money through ads and sponsored content. If you have enough followers, then you can receive quite a lot of money each month. E.g., if you post a picture of a product, you will be able to receive money when someone clicks on the ad. Find out other ways to make money on TikTok on this link. 

Ways To Get More Followers On TikTok 

Unfortunately, you won't receive the monetary benefits of TikTok unless you have a good amount of followers. Growing a good following can take a lot of time and be a frustrating and difficult process. 

Check out our favorite tips below to grow your platform quicker and how to go viral on TikTok

Identify Your Target Audience 

The first step to growing your following is to ensure that you know exactly who your target audience is. That way, you will be able to streamline the content that you make and feel confident that your target audience will enjoy it. 

Pay Attention to What is Trending 

Trends are a huge part of all social media platforms, particularly TikTok. If you notice that a particular sound, for instance, is trending, be sure that you use that sound on your page. This is a sure-fire way to get new followers. 

Pay Attention to Influencers and Content Creators

If you're struggling to identify your target audience (e.g., dancing, fashion, beauty), check out competitors and influences in the social media industry. Ask yourself what kind of content they're producing and what videos of theirs are most popular. 

Post Videos Frequently

This is a very obvious one, but people often forget the power of being present online. One way to get more followers on TikTok is to post videos very frequently and consistently. Don't worry - not all videos have to be perfectly practiced and performed. Be open to posting more off-the-cuff videos too. 

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are keywords that appear at the end of a sentence. They help people find content related to what they’re searching for. If you want to get more followers on Tiktok, then you should try using relevant popular, and trending hashtags in your captions.

Share Your Own Content

Sharing your own content is a great way to get more followers because others will see that you have something interesting to say. Your followers on Instagram and Twitter may not know that you have a Tiktok - so let them know! 

Comment on Others' Posts

Commenting on the posts of others, particularly those who create similar content to that which you make, will not only get your name out there but might help you to form relationships with other content creators (kind of like networking...). 

Answer Comments and Likes

Answering comments and likes is yet another way to get more subscribers. When you reply to comments and likes, you encourage people to interact with you. Being present and showing people that there is a real person behind the social media platform will encourage others to follow you. 

Make Friends With Similar Content Creators

You should always try to befriend people who create similar content to you, particularly those with more followers. People with more followers than you tend to be more influential in their niches. So if you want to get more subscribers, then befriend these people.

Be Creative in Your Niche

Being creative in your niche will make you stand out from the crowd. Try creating funny memes or short videos about your niche. Being honest and open is also a really great way to stand out from the crowd. Be authentic in your niche. 

Create Viral Content

Ok, I know this is far easier said than done. However, if you notice a trend beginning, hop on it! Viral content gets lots of attention very fast, if you can manage to create just one viral video, you will gain an incredible amount of followers! You also need to pay attention to the right time of posting. The right time is always when your audience is most online. Here is the best time to post on TikTok

How To Get Followers On TikTok

Promote Your Social Media Accounts

Promoting your social media accounts on other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram increases your reach. If you're looking to grow all of your social media accounts, make sure that you are cross-promoting yourself on all of your platforms. 

Share Other People’s Content

Sharing other people’s content can give you more followers. This is because sharing other people’s work shows that you respect their talent. It will also show that you are willing to lift up and support other content creators that are doing good work. This will pay off in the long run. 

Invite Users to Comment or Like Your Videos

Inviting users to comment or like your videos encourages interaction. You could also encourage users to answer a question in the comments section (e.g., if your niche is food, ask what their favorite breakfast dish is). This will help grow your reach. 

Make Sure You Have Good Quality Videos 

Unfortunately, grainy and low-quality videos don't tend to do very well on Tiktok. Using good-quality photos improves engagement. Upload high-resolution videos so that they look sharp. Also, be sure that your videos are clear to listen to as well. 

Mention Popular Brands

Mentioning popular brands in your videos increases your chances of gaining followers. You should also tag the brand in question when you mention them. This significantly increases the chance of the brand seeing your video and responding to it. 

Tag Friends Who are Famous

I am using the term 'famous' very loosely here. If you have a friend who has got a good following on Tiktok, tag them in your content. If you're close enough, you could even ask them to share your content and your page. 

Tell Stories About Yourself

It can be easy to forget that the people behind carefully curated social media platforms are actually real people. Stories about yourself show that you have personality. You will be able to show a new and more human side of you, which may get more people invested in you and your content. 

Don’t Forget to Give Credit Where it is Due

Giving credit where it is due is important. If you don’t give credit to the person who created something, then no one else will either. It is very important that you respect other content creators because you will one day want respect in the form of credit too. 


TikTok is a great platform for growing your audience. There are many ways to use it to increase your reach. Try out some of these tips today and see how much your growth skyrockets!

How To Turn Off Active Status On Instagram

How To Turn Off Active Status On Instagram

2022-07-11 21:08:32

Instagram has become a social media giant over the years. The photo-sharing app allows its users to share photos and videos with their friends and followers. This makes Instagram a great place to showcase your talents and skills.

However, like all social media, you can often feel a bit too exposed whilst using the app. It can be annoying when other people know exactly when you're online and when you're not... especially if you're trying to avoid replying to a certain message (don't judge us, we know you all do it too).

One way to prevent people from knowing when you're online is to turn off your active status. To learn how to do this, take a look at the ultimate guide below. We also go over some other tips and tricks that will make your experience on Instagram feel a bit more private.

How Do I Turn Off My Activity Status on Instagram? 

If you're sick and tired of people being able to see when you are active on Instagram, you should turn off your activity status. If you do this, no one will be able to see when you're online, because the little green icon won't appear by your name. 

However, before you change your activity visibility on Instagram, you should first know that it works both ways. If you stop showing up as being active on Instagram, you will no longer be able to see when other users are active on Instagram. 

If you want to stop showing up as being active on Instagram, then follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top right corner of the screen
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Tap Privacy.
  5. Scroll down until you see "Activity"
  6. Toggle the switch next to "Active" to OFF
  7. That's it! You'll no longer appear as being active on Instagram.

How To Know If Someone Turned Off Their Activity Status On Instagram? 

If you want to turn off your activity status on Instagram, you're likely wondering whether anyone will know that you have done so. Or, you might be wondering if any of the people you follow have done so (i.e., are any friends avoiding your messages). 

There are no obvious signs that someone has turned off their activity status on Instagram, so there is no need to stress if you were concerned about being found out! However, there are a few subtle signs that you can keep an eye out for. 

For instance, if you send a person a message and they read it, even though it states that they are offline, you know that they have hidden their activity status. Similarly, if you notice that someone posts whilst offline, you know that they are hiding their activity status. 

How To Make Your Instagram Account Private  

If you're looking for maximum privacy levels, you should try making your whole Instagram account private. This will mean that only people who follow you will be able to see your content and your information. If someone chooses to follow you, you will receive a follow request. You can then choose to accept the request or deny it. 

Making your account private is a great way to feel a bit safer online. Not only do you have complete control over who is viewing your account, but you are also less likely to receive unwanted messages from strangers. To learn how to make your Instagram account private, follow the step-by-step guide below. 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top right corner of the screen
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Tap Privacy.
  5. Tap next to Private Account to make your account private. 
  6. Now, only your followers can see your account.

How To Turn Off Instagram Notifications

If you're happy with people viewing your account and your activity status, but you're getting rather annoyed by the number of notifications that you're receiving from Instagram, you can simply turn off Instagram notifications. 

This way, if you're not using the app, you won't be notified when someone has liked or commented on your content or has requested to follow you. This is ideal if you find yourself getting distracted by Instagram notifications during the workday. 

To learn how to stop receiving Instagram notifications, check out the guide below. 

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Push Notifications. 
  5. Turn specific types of notifications off using the toggles. 

How To Block Someone On Instagram

If you have a problem with a specific person or account viewing your profile and activity status, you could instead opt to block that single account. This means that they will not be able to see your account or information at all unless you choose to unblock them. 

To block someone on Instagram, follow the steps below. 

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Search for the person or account that you want to block. 
  3. Tap the Block button to the right of their name. 
  4. To block any accounts that they may make in the future, tap the Block button at the bottom. 


Whilst the options to disable your Activity Status and make your profile private do help to restrict your visibility, it is important to remember that there are still ways for people to find you and track your activity. 

Unfortunately, this is a side of social media that is unavoidable - but we hope that this article has given you the tools that you need to feel more in control of how you use the Instagram app and who can view your content.

How To Edit TikTok Videos

How To Edit TikTok Videos

2022-06-30 10:37:46

To start creating TikTok videos, we want to show you some helpful tips.

TikTok is a short video-sharing app owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company. In 2017, ByteDance acquired, another short video sharing app, for $1 billion. Since then, TikTok has become one of the biggest apps in the world, where it has over 700 million registered users

Are you wondering how to edit videos on TikTok? You’re in the right place! Here are some tips, unwritten rules, and best practices to get started.

Filming a TikTok

You can either film a video using your phone camera and then edit it inside the TikTok app, or you can add photos and videos from your camera roll to the TikTok app. Either way, you need to be careful about what kind of content you upload. Be sure to avoid anything illegal or that could get you in trouble. Also, make sure that any copyrighted material you upload isn't protected by copyright law.

Countdown timer

The countdown timer allows you to start your video without having to hold down the button. You can access the countdown timer on the first screen by pressing the + icon at the bottom of your phone.


All kinds of effects are very popular, but you can also bookmark certain effects you want to use later without having to go back through them all again. You can choose to shoot videos either for 15 or 60 seconds so that the camera stops filming after these times. 

As we mentioned, there is also a countdown timer which can be set for three or ten seconds, so that when you tap on the record button, it will begin filming the video normally after this amount of time, so you are ready before action starts! When you finish recording, make sure you press the record button before moving on to the next section. You should also use the delete button when you've made an error.

Adjust your clips

You can add text to your TikTok videos using the edit button. Tap 'record' and then drag the red line across the bottom of the screen to create a new clip. Then, tap the 'adjust clips' button and adjust the length of each clip individually. To change or remove a clip, tap on the clip and then tap start over'. Save your video once you've finished adjusting the clips. Tap on sounds and search for the sound or section you want to use. Here's a guide on how to make a sound on TikTok

Choose from many options of sections of songs. Add favorite sounds to the list of favorites. Next, you can adjust the volume level of your original recordings in comparison to the sound added by TikTok. To do so, just tap on the volume icon on the right-hand side of the screen. To record a voice-over for your video, go into the microphone icon on the bottom right of the screen. If there are any filter effects you'd like to apply, then go into the effects icon on the top right of the video. Then, choose the effects you wish to apply, and play the video. Once you're happy with the results, hold down on the effect you want to apply to the part of the video where you want it to appear. Continue adding effects to other parts of the video until you are satisfied with the result.


With this tool, you can create cool transitions for your videos. You can add text to your videos by clicking on the text box. You can also make a video slow down or go fast. And there are many other features in this software.


Sound is a vital part of every TikTok video. You can easily add a great song to any video using the app. Browse popular songs or search for a particular song you're looking for. Once you've found what you're looking for, tap on the 'Sounds' section at the bottom of your screen to access the sounds available. Choose the starting point of your song and start recording!


Tap on the 'Text' tab to add captions. There's a huge selection of fonts to choose from, and you can also change colors and alignments. Type what you want to appear on your video, along with the font and color. Pick when you want it to appear, and for how long. Easy!


You can add stickers to any part of your video. These include polls, timestamps, and emojis.

Can you Edit TikTok Videos After Posting?

TikTok doesn't allow you to edit videos after posting. You need to double-check before posting.

Using an External Editor

You need to upload your video to TikTok to make sure you can edit it. When you want to edit it, you need to go into the private mode to make sure nobody else sees it. After posting your video, you can download it by tapping on your profile, selecting the video, and selecting download.

Final Thoughts

If you were previously struggling to edit TikToks before, then this guide should help you to create the content that you want to create. Be sure to play around with all the effects that TikTok has to offer to really stand yourself out from the crowd.

How To Delete TikTok Account

How To Delete TikTok Account

2022-06-30 10:29:49

Do you want to delete your TikTok account? Are you unsure how to delete your TikTok account?

TikTok is a social media application that allows its users to create short videos. The app has over 500 million downloads worldwide and was launched in 2016.

There are many reasons why you might want to delete your TikTok account. Some of them include privacy concerns, security risks, and simply just not wanting a TikTok account anymore. 

So, if you're ready to say goodbye to TikTok, keep on reading! 

Why Would Someone Delete Their TikTok Account? 

Sometimes, people get bored with apps. After a while, people might become bored with TikTok, and no longer want the app on their phones. Or, maybe they're removing all of their social media, in an attempt to spend more time connecting with the real world. 

For others, they might be worried about privacy and security concerns. They might be worried about third-party apps taking their data. Data security is important. Whether TikTok is completely safe when it comes to data is still up for debate. 

For the most part, TikTok has the same privacy and security concerns as other apps. However, data and privacy concerns and risks are alarming and are a factor as to why some people delete, or won't use, the app. 

Usually, people just remove apps because they're bored with them. Keep in mind that Instagram has very similar features, so for some people, there's no point in having two similar apps on their phone. 

How To Permanently Delete Your TikTok Account 

Deleting a TikTok account is very easy. Follow the below steps to delete your TikTok account. 

  1. Open the TikTok app. 
  2. Once the TikTok app is opened, select the 'Me' section. This is found in the right-hand corner. 
  3. On the screen, click on the logo that has three dots. 
  4. Then, select the selection which says "Manage My Account". 
  5. There will then be a selection that says 'Delete Account'. 
  6. Next, all you need to do is press the delete account button. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the account. 
  7. Confirm that you want to delete the account, and that's it!  

Can I Delete My Account From a Computer? 

Yes, if you have already uninstalled the TikTok app, there is an option to delete the account from a laptop, or a computer. 

  1. Type TikTok into the web browser, and select the official TikTok page. 
  2. Sign in to your TikTok account. 
  3. Click on your profile picture. 
  4. Then, select Settings. 
  5. Click the 'Delete Account' option, and then confirm that you want to delete your account. That's it!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I Delete My TikTok Account, Will All My Videos Be Removed? 

Yes, if you delete your TikTok account, the videos that you uploaded will all be removed. 

The only issue here is to remember that other people could have copied your videos. It's very common for viral videos to be uploaded on a range of social media apps. So, if you have a video that went viral, but someone else has a copy, you can't get rid of that video. 

However, TikTok will remove all the videos on your profile when you delete the account. 

If I Remove The App From My Screen, Will It Delete My Profile?

No, the only way to delete the app is by actively deleting the profile on the TikTok app. 

If you remove the app from your home screen, it will not delete the profile. This will just mean that the app does not appear on your screen. Even if you uninstall the app, it will not remove the TikTok profile. 

The TikTok account can only be deleted, by deleting the account through the app.  

Is The Account Deactivated, Before Deleted? 

Yes, when you delete your profile from the TikTok app, TikTok will give you 30 days to change your mind. This means for 30 days, the account is deactivated.

This pretty much just means the account is removed, but you have 30 days to reactivate the account if you decide you don't want to leave TikTok. After 30 days, the account will be permanently deleted. 

Would TikTok Delete My Account?

There are a few reasons why TikTok won't delete your account. 

It could be that there is no contact information on the account. To delete an account, there must be an email and a mobile phone associated with the TikTok account. 

Otherwise, it might just be a bug. If this happens, contact TikTok and ask them to delete your account for you. 

How To Reactivate Your Account?

If you change your mind after deleting your TikTok account, you have 30 days to reactivate your TikTok account. After this period of time, you can no longer reactivate your TikTok account. 

It is very easy to reactivate your TikTok account, just follow the below steps: 

  1. Open the TikTok app on your phone. 
  2. Enter your log-in information. 
  3. Next, a message will appear asking if you want to reactivate your account. Confirm that you want to reactivate your account, and that's it! 

It couldn't be simpler to reactivate your account. If you find that you are having trouble with reactivating your account, and it has not been above 30 days, then you should contact TikTok, TikTok will then be able to help you reactivate your account. 


In summary, deleting a TikTok account is quick and easy. When you delete a TikTok account, you will get 30 days to reactivate your account. You can only reactivate your account after 30 days, and then the account will be deleted permanently. 

If you have any issues with deleting your TikTok account, or any issues with reactivating your TikTok account, you should contact TikTok. They will be able to sort out any problems and issues you have with the app.

What Customers Expect When They Look For The Best SMM Panel Services?

What Customers Expect When They Look For The Best SMM Panel Services?

2022-05-19 06:24:34

Presently, SMM panels are the most hand-me-down approaches to promote a business. SMM panels are considered to be an efficient and economical way to promote the business. SMM panels are very popular for getting traffic to the website. Various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, are great way to stimulate your business. Nowadays, using SMM panels is a reasonable and effective way to get your services endorsed. People can have uncountable advantages by selecting the best SMM panels.

SMM Panel or a Social Media Marketing Panel is typically a website where individuals buy Services to augment their social media accounts followers, post's likes and views at a very economical price. SMM Panel is also known as a  wholesale website for many retailers who sell these services on their website for a very massive price.

In this article further, we will see various questions related to SMM Panels and how you can kick-start an SMM panel business to earn money online with complete steps.

How to use SMM panels

There are various ways in which SMM panels are used, it is entirely different depending on which one it is but most of them share a similar process. Typically, the SMM panels started by asking people to register for an account and it is followed by signing in with the email and password.

People are needed to add funds to their accounts, and there are distinct ways in which they can do that. The most common ones are simply by using a debit or credit card. Furthermore, people must go to a page based on new orders, this is where they select a package that they require. Lastly, individuals must type in the URL which is needed to be public and they can then place the order.

Reasonable and Fast SMM Panels

It is imperative that individuals should look for websites that provide the best possible rates in comparison with the competition as this proves to be supportive for new businesses who even now have a lot of outlay, and it will also make them a consistent customer. Good and trusted websites provide low-priced promotions from time to time and the service is great in comparison to the price.

Furthermore, people should also opt for SMM panels that are fast and efficient. A respectable SMM panel make sure that people receive incredibly fast deliveries and there is continuous support. The website will ensure that the orders are processed right after they are placed. Though rarely, persons do not get their orders in time, if this is the scenario, customers can always refer to the support page to enquire about the problem.

Selecting the right SMM panels for the promotion of your organization, business, or services is quite necessary so the following is the list of some of the most important factors which you need to look for while selecting an SMM panel.

Check the customer support

People require to go through the customer support service of the panels before finalizing the product. Customer care service is the priority of every company. Customer care management should be supportive and responsive. It should be able to solve the queries of the people.


The nest most vital factor is to check the reliability of the website before finalizing it. There are numerous possibilities by which you can get swindled monetarily. Therefore you require to check the portfolio of the website before deciding. Additionally, you need to check the degree to which the customers are satisfied or not and you also need to verify the reliability and authenticity of the website before finalizing it.

Payment options

Another factor that needs to take into consideration is various payment options before finalizing an SMM reseller panel. Trustworthy and reliable payment approaches are the necessity of every website, and you should check whether the website provides a couple of payment options to the people or not; however, it does not matter how consistent the website is; you should be very careful while offering your credit card details to the website.

Type of services provided

You must check whether the SMM panels are offering reliable services to the people and also thoroughly check the available services before you place an order. Moreover, you go through the reviews of the website to see what the individuals are saying about that website. 

Packages and pricing

The majority of the websites offer many packages and pricing to customers all over the world. You can compare diverse corporations offering the same product to check the finest product with unsurpassed prices. You get several services at various prices globally. Therefore, a comparison of services should be made to get a service at the best price.

The above-mentioned points are those which you need to take into consideration while choosing the right SMM panels for you and it is pivotal to be careful while choosing the right SMM panels for you.

What are the perks of SMM Panels?

What are the perks of SMM Panels?

2022-05-19 06:20:23

These days, a lot of people are using SMM panels. These SMM panels have become really popular in the market and they have been around for quite a long time now. However, if you are a complete beginner and you have no idea about SMM panels, then this is the place for you. We are going to tell you all about SMM panels. We will also tell you what are the various benefits of using SMM panels in order to grow your business.

What is an SMM panel?

A social media marketing panel is basically an online store. The main services offered by the stores include likes, followers, subscriptions, viewers, etc. The SMM panel business has always been in large demand because of its great pricing options and fast deliveries. Companies mostly start their business by taking the help of an SMM panel service provider. This is mainly because of the fact that when a company tries to create an online presence for their brand on social media platforms, they do not have the required number of likes and followers. As a result, they are not being able to bring more traffic to their websites. 


How to make use of SMM panels?


Using the SMM panel is a very simple task to do. It is extremely easy to use for both customers as well as admins. However, admins will have the privilege to access the admin panel and this can look very different. If you want an smm panel of your own, you will have to purchase it. When you tie up with a very popular platform, your panel will be automatically updated. The company will also make regular changes to your SMM panel. You do not need any knowledge of programming in order to use an SMM panel. Everything will be done automatically by the service provider.


What are the advantages of using SMM panels?


As already discussed, SMM panels have a lot of advantages. It will allow you to give a really good growth to your business. You will also be able to design an excellent marketing strategy for your company. So, let us have a look at some of the most important advantages of using SMM panel:


Lots of traffic: Most of the SMM panels that you choose, offer differemt services for different popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. By opting for the services, you will be able to acquire like shares, comments, followers and subscriptions for your social media profiles. When you purchase these variable for your profile, you end up gaining a lot of followers on Instagram or Facebook. This allows you to drive a lot of traffic towards the business. People become aware of your goals and objectives and your website ranking also goes up on search engines. This can be a really good way of enhancing your business.


Reach your target audience: Using SMM panels, you will easily be able to reach your target audience. You need not have to look everywhere for your target audience. When you post an article about any of the products and services, it takes a lot of time to reach out to your followers. With an SMM panel, everything is going to be extremely fast. You will be receiving responses as soon as you post your content. This will easily allow your posts to go viral at a very fast rate. You will gain significant popularity over time. This is also going to help your business in the long run and allow you to acquire a lot of traffic.


Automate various processes: The SMM reseller panel has a very simple interface. It also comes with lots of features that will allow you to manage all your social services quickly and easily. Using the automation process, you will be able to streamline all your business activities. Every aspect of the SMM panel is properly automated. Every order is managed in a highly effective way. In that way, you will not miss out on anything important and you will also be able to create a lot of advantages for your business.


Quick delivery: Your likes and followers will be delivered to your social media profile as soon as you make a purchase. This eliminates all kind of delayed delivery time. Everything will be done in a quick manner. As a result, you will be able to make use of your social media variables instantly. This will not only help you to save a lot of time but will also increase the efficiency of your business. The SMM panel services are also quite cost-effective. It reduces effort and resources and gives a really good boost to your business.


And these are the various advantages of using SMM panels. If you have any other points to share with us, do let us know of them.

What Is The Best Way To Get Fast Twitter Followers?

What Is The Best Way To Get Fast Twitter Followers?

2022-05-19 02:22:57

Twitter is considered to be a powerful tool for today's businesses when used appropriately. It can help you get the leads, solidify your branding, and form connections with your prospects but the problem arises, if you have no followers, you can’t experience all the advantages attached to it.

Usually, Twitter followers hold real value for businesses; in fact, 35% of marketers say that they have gained a huge list of customers by using Twitter.

Further, in this article, we will examine certain ways that can help you increase your Twitter followers and take benefit of the many advantages of Twitter. The below-mentioned strategies will fit into one of the following 4 categories:

• Tweeting content that’s so enticing and/or informative that it’s likely to be retweeted

• Following others so that they’ll follow you back

• Actually, Tweeting content in a way that it gets seen

• Promoting your Twitter account efficiently

Twitter has an immense paid ads option which is very effective for acquiring followers, but various free options can be considered as the paid one is pretty obvious.

Presently, there are more than 1.2 billion accounts on Twitter, with more than 325 million worldwide monthly active accounts and more than 500 million tweets are posted on daily basis. First, to reach these accounts and gain new followers, you require an inviting profile and you also need to interact with influencers, tweet, retweet, tag people, and use appropriate hashtags, use images and videos, and promote yourself or your brand. Let’s look further about how to increase Twitter followers organically.

Customize Your Profile

It is important to ensure that you have a complete profile with your full name or company and a handle that fits your brand. Develop a keyword-friendly bio that also covers a link to your website and a personal photo or company logo. To ensure your page stands out, personalize the color scheme, and use a header image to match your brand.

Promote Yourself on Other Platforms

In today's time, it is important to share your handle with friends and customers using various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. With changing time, it is essential to go beyond social and rather than announcing it in a newsletter; put it on business cards, advertisements, and marketing materials; and, embed it on your website.

Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

Unquestionably, it is pivotal to check out how many followers your competitors have and who they are, and how often they tweet and what they’re tweeting. How do they respond to their competition or customers, what type of profile they have? and what kinds of content do they post that gets the most attention? To understand in a better way follow them and retweet their content to get on their way. This step is similarly important for people who wish to learn how to increase Twitter followers

Find Followers & Influencers                           

Everyone is aware of the fact that if you follow someone on Twitter, they will likely follow you back. Find and follow the popular influencers in your industry and if you’re especially in the food industry, for example, find and follow famous chefs. If they see that you’re following them, they may follow you back and your tweets could end up in their feeds. Whatever you do intend to enhance Twitter followers, try to accomplish it organically. Even though you might be tempted to purchase a list of followers, those lists are usually filled with bots that can’t buy your products or services and might be deleted by Twitter anyway.

Stay Active & Engaged

Interacting with users is a sure shot way to gain exposure and a more extensive following. Timely Tweet, reply to users who have mentioned or contacted you for customer support, like and retweet others’ posts, and add your comments frequently without being too excessive. When suitable, suggest other Twitter users by including their handle, and consider using Tweet chats to interact in real-time with followers who have the same interests.

Tweet at the Right Time

It is vital to find out when your users are on Twitter so they’ll see your tweets. Many people gain insights using data from various websites such as Sprout Social, Hoot suite or Buffer to schedule timely posts that won't get buried in your followers’ feeds. Restricting your activity to a tweet every one or two hours can make the most of your visibility without alienating your network. Understanding hashtags is crucial when you want to enhance Twitter followers.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Undoubtedly, Hashtags are substantially the most powerful feature on Twitter so use them while aiming for at least two per tweet. Hashtags help people find your tweets through search and ensure to use ones that are related to your brand and audience. It is vital to see what's trending in the market and look at competitors’ tweets for ideas or create a new one that might take off.

What are the benefits of actual active Instagram likes?

What are the benefits of actual active Instagram likes?

2022-05-19 02:20:05

Instagram is no doubt one of the most popular social media platforms of the recent era. It is growing at an extremely fast rate and the number of Instagram followers is also rising. It is also very important for you to create an active profile on Instagram. Only then will the other Instagram users start taking interest on your profile. This is of particular importance if you are trying to use your Instagram profile for branding and promotional purposes.

If you want to make use of Instagram for branding purposes, you need to make sure that your Instagram profile has sufficient number of likes and followers. This will help you to drive the attention of the masses towards your Instagram profile. So, here we are going to discuss the few advantages of getting more likes for your Instagram profile.

1 It allows you to improve your social media presence: By gaining more likes on your Instagram profile, you will easily be able to create an excellent social media presence for yourself. Other users will start to notice you on Instagram. They will take more interest in your Instagram profile. As a result, your brand will get massive popularity in no time. Your revenue will increase and you will also be able to gain a very loyal customer base. You will see a massive difference in the number of followers in no time and your business will also start to grow.


2 It allows you to achieve faster growth: When you acquire more likes on your Instagram profile, you will easily be able to achieve all your business goals without having to wait for months or years. It has been noticed that influencers who have a huge number of likes on their Instagram profile can grow a lot faster than people having fewer likes on their profile. This makes it very important for you to have active likes on your Instagram profile. 


3 It increases the engagement rate: With more likes, you will be able to increase the engagement rate on your Instagram profile. Whenever a person sees that your Instagram profile has a huge number of likes, he or she will start taking interest in your brand. He will try to go through your content and posts on a regular basis. Your followers will also bring more followers to your Instagram profile and your popularity will increase in very less time.


4 It allows you to promote yourself: These days, it has become very difficult for us to keep up with everything that is happening on popular social media websites out there. But if you have sufficient likes on social media profiles like Instagram, you will easily be able to increase your visibility. This is going to act as a self promotion strategy. This will help you to reach a broader audience base. It will also improve your presence on social media platforms. You will also be able to use various social media features to promote yourself and create an attractive Instagram profile.


5 It allows you to grow your business: When you have a large number of likes on your profile, it becomes a lot easier for you to grow your business and reach out to more people. For example, when people see that your products and services are getting huge number of likes, they will start to believe that your products are of some value to the customers. This will arouse their curiosity and they will try to visit your profile to see what you have got to offer to them.


6 It allows you to improve your credibility: Having a lot of likes on your Instagram profile is an excellent way to build your credibility. This will also help you to show to your potential customers that you are an established brand. This is an excellent marketing strategy, it will give your business a social media proof and you are also going to get a lot of sales. Your revenue will increase and the success of your business will reach an entirely new rebel. 


7 It increases your organic reach: Organic reach will increase over time as long as you have sufficient likes on your Instagram profile. Having a large number of likes on each and every post will not only bring greater visibility but will also improve the engagement rate. People will be more easily driven to your Instagram profile and your sale will also drastically increase.


And these are some of the most important benefits of getting actual likes for your Instagram profile. Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are various other methods as well by which you can increase your likes. You can also purchase organic likes for your Instagram and make yourself popular in days.